Friday, May 29, 2015

First Melon


I'm usually not that much into melon. Usually. But something has happened to me this year, because I can't get enough of it! Especially watermelon! This cantaloupe may have started it all.

I painted this about 3 weeks ago (I've been out of town for 2 weeks, hence the delay). It was delicious, and yes, the seeds looked all haphazard like this. And there were a TON of them.

Questions: Is this the same thing as a musk melon? Or, as we called it as kids, mush melon? 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Which One Was Painted First?

These are daily paintings #070 and #075... not necessarily in order.
I painted the first one, and no one seemed to like it (including me)... so I changed it a bit. You'll probably notice the background color especially. After I changed it, it sold... but there's still something "unlikeable" about it to me.
Can you tell which one was the original and which one was "improved"?

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Timed Challenge - Flower


I've been out of town and gotten behind almost a month! Going to try to catch up before the end of the month. This painting was actually painted about 3 weeks ago. It was done in response to a challenge through daily paintworks that was timed. The challenge was to complete it in less than 2 hours. My time was 1:58:50.43. haha All I can say is WHEW!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Painting Walls and Huddle House



People always talk about how painting is therapeutic, how it's relaxing, reduces stress, and gets the endorphin's going. Most of the time people are referring to artistic endeavors involving oil paints, watercolors, pastels, canvases, brushes, etc. But, I've been painting walls -- with gray paint, of all colors -- and found it almost comparable. Almost! If it weren't for the limited palette, one brush and one roller, the last two weeks of painting might have felt as rewarding as when a painting turns out better than you expected. AND, I'm really on top of my trim game now! I must say, my technique has really blossomed... come into its own. No need for painter's tape here! 

Above is a painting of my husband paying the tab at our local Huddle House. It's down at the foothills, and one of the few places to go for breakfast if you don't feel like "dressing up" or driving too far. At HH you just throw on a hat, a favorite sweatshirt, and your most comfortable jeans (belt loosened, of course). It makes the grits and country ham taste even better that way!

And no, I can't think of a connection between painting walls and the HH (in case you were expecting me to draw some sort of conclusion at this point). But, if you think of one, let me know.