Saturday, November 29, 2014



This is about all I wanted to eat after enjoying Thanksgiving and black Friday a little too much.  Well, this and some of the leftover wassail.

I thought this painting turned out ok.  I like that it seems to be looser than normal, but think I could have zoomed in a bit more with my composition.... maybe because this is the first painting I've tried on an 8x8 canvas board. Hoping to find some 6x6 canvases soon.  I think I'll really like using that size for my daily paintings.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Double Kiss


I almost kissed the edge twice in this one!  Do these count?  lol  Also, realizing that I need to change my dark or shadow colors.  I've been using Prussian Blue and either Burnt Sienna or an Umber.  I'm going to start trying Ultramarine and practice mixing with yellows and reds.  Hopefully, that'll help put some life into my shadow areas.

The composition could've been better, too.  I've got a "row" of lemons, and then the spoon makes another row below it.  All that said, I did enjoy painting this..... the reflection on the spoon, the transparency of the cut lemon, and the shape and feel of the mortar.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ruby Red


I was a little scared getting started.  What should I paint for Number 1?  Yikes. The pressure. :/ Then I reminded myself that that's not what it's all about.  It's about the process.... the lesson, the experience, the inspiration, and, oh yeah, the fun.  

So I painted my breakfast.  Thought it was as good a place to start as any.  Not crazy about it, but that's okay!   One down, and looking forward to many more to come!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Getting Started


OK, I'm taking a deep breath and going to try to contribute to my daily painting experience through this blog.  I'm just getting started, and while it took me a good week to get all my "technology" figured out and set-up, I have actually been painting. I'm starting with this one, though.... #000.  It's numbered that because this is a 5x7 that I did PRE Carol Marine and her wonderful book!  It's tight, rigid and lifeless.  It was also not that fun to paint.  

I still need to figure out how to put paintings up for auction or sale on my blog. It'd be great to sell this one (even for $1), if only to signify my moving on from this stale old approach.   I'm ready to jump in, loosen up, have fun, paint almost everyday, and learn all that I can from this experience.  Thanks to Carol and all the other daily painters for the inspiration!!!!